
Cultivating Happiness with a Vision Board

Cultivating Happiness with a Vision Board

Cultivating Happiness with a Vision Board

What does Happiness mean to you? What does it look like? Do you have A Vision Board  image in your mind?

Create a vision board or a collage of happiness, and use any of the images and quotes that inspire and remind you to Cultivate Happiness.

Cut out pictures, photos, phrases, quotes, and happy words from magazines. Add photos of pets, friends & family that add to and create your happiness.

Really take your time to look at the images and see yourself and your happiness inspired within them.

Start with a blank piece of poster board. Glue the clippings to the board, allow the glue dry and place in a picture frame.

Another alternative is to use a pegboard, cork board and thumb tacks.

Mount the frame on a wall in an area where you will see the Cultivating Happiness Collage daily.

Take a moment to revel in your happiness revisit your happiness vision board daily looking at each photo, phrase and loved one.

Soak it all in and smile.

You’ve just created a masterpiece of your own happiness.

Vision boards are an effective healthy way to manifest your mind, body, spirit and lifestyle dreams and wishes.

Art is a wonderful way to reduce stress. Visit a museum and soak in all the colours, textures, portraits of faces and places captured in the paintings. Happiness ensues…

Happiness Imaginista™ ~ Susan Stephen

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