Living your passionate life is much easier when you have abundant energy, mental clarity & focus!
Signs and Symptoms of imbalance:
Indigestion, Acid Reflux, Gas/Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s/Colitis.
Nervousness, Anxiety, Melancholy, Depression, Lack of Focus/Clarity.
The old saying, “Sour Gut-Sour Mind” validated.
Fun Factoids:
Enteric nervous system (ENS) is called your 2nd Brain and can operate independently from your brain.
Vagus nerve connects your digestion to your brain.
Serotonin, happiness molecule, 80-90% made in gut.
2 way street: brain sends ”butterflies” to stomach or gut relays calm or alarm to the brain.
GALT- gut’s immune system, 70-80% of body’s total immunity.
2-6 lbs of bacteria in your digestive tract.
100 trillion microbes vs. 15 trillion cells.
Latest Science:
mapping microorganisms, using
deficiency of beneficial bacteria and/or overgrowth of harmful organisms. (yeasts, bad bacteria, parasites).
beneficial ones to treat conditions, including depression and anxiety!
deficiency of beneficial bacteria and/or overgrowth of harmful organisms. (yeasts, bad bacteria, parasites).
How do You know if You have Dysbiosis?
Frequent gas or bloating on most days of the week
Cramping, urgency, and/or mucus in your poop at least once per week
Brain fog, anxiety, or depression
Food sensitivities
Chronic bad breath
Loose stool, diarrhea, constipation, or a combination
Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
History of “stomach bugs,” gastroenteritis, and/or food poisoning
History of prolonged antibiotics such as for acne or sinusitis
Carbohydrate intolerance, particularly after eating fiber and/or beans
Fatigue or low energy
Supplements: the aim is to increase adaptive capacity, support the digestive process and the body healing itself in the safest, most effective manner.
Probiotics, Prebiotics, Digestive Enzymes (plant and pancreatic), herbal formulas (DGL, aloe).
My experience is to seek the help of a professional who can analyze your diet and lifestyle plus which supplements you are taking.
A Custom Nutrition Plan with Bruce Bonner RNCP, MASc will save you tons of money buying and trying the “latest” product and trying the latest dietary fad!